Thursday 6 October 2011



Q1. Your age:
·       13-19
·       20-35
·       35+

Q2. How often do you watch documentaries?

·       Every week
·       Once a month
·       Occasionally
·       Never

Q3. Do you have any favorite TV documentaries? Please list as many as possible and explain why you like them.


Q4. What do you like to see in a television documentary?
·       Celebrity
·       Real life story
·       Fictional story
·       Comedy
·       Human interest
·       Informative

Q5. What is your profession?
·       Student
·       Employee
·       Employer (small scale)
·       Employer (large scale)

Q6. Do you believe in palmistry?
·       Yes
·       No 

Q7. Have you ever shown your hand to a palmist?
·       Yes
·       No

Q8. What would you want to find out about, via a palmist?
·       Your life
·       Your fate
·       Your career
·       Your relationships
·       Your future
·       Your character traits
·       Other     _____________________

Q9. What is your personal belief/opinion about palm reading?

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