Thursday 20 October 2011

The Concepts.

Shahbano and I thought of 3 concepts in total, out of which we will choose the best one and work on it.
  As our documentary is on “Astropalmistry”, we thought of linking our starting with fate. The documentary would start with shots of fame, poverty, politics, war, love, birth and death. We’ll take a shot of soccer player making a goal for fame, a beggar for poverty, a shot of politician making a speech for fame, a shot of a terrorist act for war, a shot of a young couple holding hands for love and a shot of an accident for death. These shots would be short and precised and the sound would play according to the scene. E.g. a crowd noise when the soccer player makes a goal. Along with this sound, a soft mysterious music would also play. After these scenes, the screen would black out and the title of our documentary would appear and the music would stop. Then we’ll show personal experiences that people have had with palmistry and good or bad it was and the music would stop. Then we’ll show personal experiences that people have had with palmistry and good or bad it was. The main body of our documentary would mainly consist of interviews. We’ll interview three people; a palmist, a psychologist and a person who have had an experience with palmistry. Our documentary would be left open ended, so that people could decide for themselves.
The advantage of using this concept is that the starting would create a huge impact on the audience which would lead to interest in watching the rest of the documentary. Secondly, we would mainly focus on fate which is something that almost everybody would like to know about. The disadvantage is that the shots in the beginning could be too costly to shoot. Creating an appropriate environment for each and every shot would not only be expensive, but it would also be quite time consuming. These two factors are very important for us and they would be looked into deeply before we finalize any concept.
*Concept by Shahbano.

The main theme for our second concept is “Palmistry” itself. We’ll focus of what palmistry is, the misconception that people have about it, how palmistry started and where it lies in today’s world. The documentary will open with the history of palmistry. We’ll show pages from old books, articles, newspapers, web etc. The narrator would talk about the history of palmistry, people’s different believes, how it started in the ancient times etc. After the introduction, we’ll move on to our interviews. We’ll interview three people; a local palmist, an experienced palmist and a psychologist. This documentary would be very informative; there would be no conflict as such. Whole documentary would run smoothly and it would end with the idea of supporting palmistry and how authentic it can be.
The advantage with using this idea is that it’s comparatively easier to shoot and its less time consuming so we’ll get more time for the editing. Secondly, the editing would be simple as there would not be complicated shots. The disadvantage is that this can turn out to be boring. People might not have an interest in watching the whole documentary. The ending doesn’t have anything epic which might turn out to be a disappointment. 
 *Concept by Ifrah.

   For our third concept, we’ll show the authenticity of palmistry, we’ll compare the fake/local palmists to the experienced ones, we’ll also show the contradiction between those people who believe that palmistry is true and those people who think that its just a matter of mind. We’ll also relate palmistry with religious beliefs.
     The documentary would start with a man showing his hand to a street palmist. We’ll take graphic short shots of features of both men. E.g. extreme close up of hands, eyes, lips, etc. The background music for this clip would be local and mysterious. The palmist would be answering questions of his customer. The music would change as the camera zooms out and the man gets up to walk away. The camera pans away to establish the location i.e. the streets of old Lahore. The scene would fade out and the music will connect the next scene which is cut away shots of general public giving their personal opinions about palm reading. We’ll show university students, various professionals, working class, labour class etc. Between the public reviews, we’ll show shots of some road happenings, e.g. street venders, traffic, buildings, etc. This fast scene would go perfectly with the music that we have chosen for this segment. the scene fades out and our documentary title would appear on the screen.
We decided to take a part from our second concept and add it to our third one. We’ll show the history of human desire and obsession in knowing the future. While the narrator would talk about this subject, we’ll show references of books, web pages, documents and images to show the ways of how humans have been trying to calculate and predict the future.
In the next few minutes we will step into the very intimidating and controversial world of palmistry. We’ll relate palmistry to religion too. As our sub topic we’ll show how commonly we can find local palmist in our country, who charges low to predict one’s future but there’s no guarantee of his prediction to be true. In this way so many people are misguided. Secondly, we’ll compare those people who believe in palmistry to those who do not. We’ll tell those people to prove their point to support their opinion. We’ll include four interviews; one of a local palmist, one of an experienced palmist, one of a scholar and one of a psychologist. After all the arguments and interviews, we’ll leave the documentary open ended so that people could decide for themselves. 
*We came up with this final concept together.

Posted by Ifrah

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