Thursday 29 September 2011

The Research!

Article 2:

Difference between Palm Reading and Psychic Reading
Posted by seo_pg on October 27th, 2010

People have taken quite an interest in knowing their future through tarot reading, birth charts, psychic readings, and palm readings. There have been various means of getting these kinds of readings that were developed nowadays to bring these readings closer to the people. There is the regular daily newspaper horoscopephone readings, online readings, and most recently the SMS readings and the webcam reading. All of these have helped greatly in promoting the horoscopes and in delivering to the people the readings that they need when they need it.
With the presence of these types of reading, people are now wondering which one is the best for them. There are some who believe that the live tarot reading are still the best but for those who want to try other types of reading, palm and psychic readings are also recommended.
What is the difference between palm reading and psychic reading?
Palm reading, as the name suggests uses the palm of the person who wants to know his/her future. Through the lines on the palm, the palm reader is able to determine the person’s future when it comes to career, love life, and health. These are the typical readings that people want to learn but palm reading also offers other information through the palm.
Palm reading is also able to tell the person’s personal characteristics. The person’s traits are shown by the lines on the palm and help in determining other aspects in a person’s life like the inclinations, the influences in the decision making, the attitude that affects social communication, among other things.
The person’s success age is also indicated in the person’s palm. Through the lines, the palm reader is able to give estimation as to when a person will achieve the success that s/he desires. This will help in making the person work on achieving the goals and prepare for the success that is to come. Along with the predictions, the palm reader is also able to give the person some useful tips and advice as to ho s/he can help improve the finances and love life.
Psychic reading, on the other hand uses no medium in telling the person’s future. It is an attempt to distinguish information using clairvoyance or as some say, the readings come from their Higher Self. This is also commonly associated with paranormal reading. Most psychic readings don’t use any tools but there are some psychic who have one or more specialized areas of expertise such as tarot reading, palm reading, psychometry, aura readings, or astrological readings.
In availing these kinds or readings, people are always warned about finding the genuine psychic. The most common way is by word of mouth. However, there are also good psychics who are into advertising the services that they offer. You may also check these advertisements and do some background check for nowadays, most psychic groups have their own websites for people to have reference. Both readings are usually available through email, phone, SMS, or the webcam.

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