Thursday 13 October 2011

Results from the Survey..

The goal of the survey was to investigate as to what type of television documentaries do people in general watch, and the major aim was to find out about their belief in the study and practice of palmistry.
Research Methodology
We made use of “questionnaires” in order to collect the data. The questionnaire consisted of 9 questions. The questionnaires have been filled by 20 people from different schools and households.

Presentation and Discussion of Results

Of the people that filled the questionnaires, 40% belonged to the 13-19 age group, 35% belonged to the 20-35 age groups and 25% belonged to the 35+ age group.

When asked about how often do they watch documentaries, it is found that 60% watch documentaries occasionally, 20% watch documentaries every week, 10% watch once a month and 10% have never watched any documentary.
The data in the questionnaire revealed that people mostly watch documentaries aired by National Geographic, commonly Jailed Abroad and Taboo. Another popular documentary amongst the respondents was The Arrivals. Some respondents prefer watching religious documentaries because they are informative. Out of the local documentaries, respondents prefer to watch Dawn News documentaries and Geomentary.

The data above shows that 39% respondents prefer to watch documentaries based on real life story, 22% watch documentaries based on comedy and human interest and 17% watch documentaries that are informative.

40% of the respondents believe in the study and practice of palmistry, whereas 60% of the respondents do not believe in palmistry.

65% of the respondents have shown their hands to a palmist, whereas 35% have not. But, according to the study, many respondents who do not believe in palmistry have shown their hands to a palmist which somehow reveals that showing hands is also considered as a source of entertainment and inquisitiveness of human nature.

According to the data above, it is found that 27% people prefer to find out about their future, 22% about their character traits, 18% about relationships, 13% about fate, 8% about life and health and 4% about career.
When asked about the personal belief/opinion about palm reading, the respondents brought religious reasons and said that religion has prohibited palmistry so it should not be practiced, others considered it as a source of entertainment. Most of them believed that what is on their mind is what is on their hands.

Done by Ifrah Khan

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