Monday 5 September 2011

Introduction to Advanced Media Portfolio

Advanced media portfolio consists of 3 main elements; Research and Planning, Construction and Evaluation. Research carries 20 marks and is very important as the whole project lies on its basis. We have to do an extensive research on the relative genre and the topic we choose. Research includes videos and articles from the internet. Case study, if required. However, for my genre i.e documentary, we dont require any case study. Planning is also very important before we move on to the construction part. Planning consists of a story board for our genre. Camera work, mise-en-sene, lighting, atmosphere and mood, the time line for our whole project and the budget are decided in the planning stage.
After we are done with the research and planning, we move on to construction. Construction carries 60 marks. Before we start with producing our product, both the partners have to assign their individual duties to themselves so that they know exactly what they have to do and what they'd be marked on. Creating a blog for our project is a part of our exam. And it needs to be kept up-to-date.
Evaluation which carries 20 marks, consists of 4 questions - 5 marks each. After we are done with the construction, we move onto the evaluation and complete the project.
Another important thing is to record everything we do step by step. We can take pictures, record videos and take screenshots of our work in process.

Posted by Shahbano

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