Monday 12 September 2011

Choosing a topic...

I am teamed up with Shahbano Tariq. We plan to make a documentary for our advanced media portfolio. Today, we brainstormed and came up with random ideas, which are:
1. documentary on fountain house.
2. Brand Stigma
3. Circus clowns
4. Illusionists
5. Fortune Telling
6. Local Music Makers

Out of all these topics, i found "Illusionists" and "Brand Stigma" the most interesting. However, we'll reasearch on these topics before we finalize anything.
We shared our ideas with Sir Salman, he pointed out the postive and negative points in our ideas. On thursday, we'll be showing him out work timeline, along with our final documentary topic and how we are going to execute it.
I learnt what the Reasearch part consists of; Facts, Traget Market, Consumer behaviour, Public Reaction, Genre, Branding. We'll be marked out of 20 for the Research part.

Posted by Ifrah Khan

1 comment:

  1. A consumer behavior is a study of certain product consumers behavior and psyche. You don't have a consumer involved in it.
