Thursday 29 September 2011

The Research!

Article 2:

Difference between Palm Reading and Psychic Reading
Posted by seo_pg on October 27th, 2010

People have taken quite an interest in knowing their future through tarot reading, birth charts, psychic readings, and palm readings. There have been various means of getting these kinds of readings that were developed nowadays to bring these readings closer to the people. There is the regular daily newspaper horoscopephone readings, online readings, and most recently the SMS readings and the webcam reading. All of these have helped greatly in promoting the horoscopes and in delivering to the people the readings that they need when they need it.
With the presence of these types of reading, people are now wondering which one is the best for them. There are some who believe that the live tarot reading are still the best but for those who want to try other types of reading, palm and psychic readings are also recommended.
What is the difference between palm reading and psychic reading?
Palm reading, as the name suggests uses the palm of the person who wants to know his/her future. Through the lines on the palm, the palm reader is able to determine the person’s future when it comes to career, love life, and health. These are the typical readings that people want to learn but palm reading also offers other information through the palm.
Palm reading is also able to tell the person’s personal characteristics. The person’s traits are shown by the lines on the palm and help in determining other aspects in a person’s life like the inclinations, the influences in the decision making, the attitude that affects social communication, among other things.
The person’s success age is also indicated in the person’s palm. Through the lines, the palm reader is able to give estimation as to when a person will achieve the success that s/he desires. This will help in making the person work on achieving the goals and prepare for the success that is to come. Along with the predictions, the palm reader is also able to give the person some useful tips and advice as to ho s/he can help improve the finances and love life.
Psychic reading, on the other hand uses no medium in telling the person’s future. It is an attempt to distinguish information using clairvoyance or as some say, the readings come from their Higher Self. This is also commonly associated with paranormal reading. Most psychic readings don’t use any tools but there are some psychic who have one or more specialized areas of expertise such as tarot reading, palm reading, psychometry, aura readings, or astrological readings.
In availing these kinds or readings, people are always warned about finding the genuine psychic. The most common way is by word of mouth. However, there are also good psychics who are into advertising the services that they offer. You may also check these advertisements and do some background check for nowadays, most psychic groups have their own websites for people to have reference. Both readings are usually available through email, phone, SMS, or the webcam.

The Research!

Article 1:
Palm Readings
Just another weblog

August 18, 2008

Palm Reading: myth or reality?

What is Palm Reading?
The art of Palm Reading has been popular for ages. It is believed that fortune telling is more than telling people what they want to hear. Some view Palm Reading as a science. Palm Reading is an art and therefore not everybody who claims to be a Palm Reader knows his stuff.

Palm Reading is too difficult an art and therefore not everybody who claims to be a Palm Reader knows his stuff. Roadside Palm Readers take advantage of people’s helplessness and tensions by giving them tidings of a bright future. Most of the Palm Readers who advertise in newspapers appear on television are fakes. The craze to knowing the future from soothsayers is rapidly increasing youngsters who are always keen to know about their future. They show their hands to anybody who claims that he or she knows Palmistry.
Students visit Palm Readers to know about the awaited result and girls about their marriage and marital life. But in the modern times no-one is sure whether the Palm Reader is a fake or knows what is what. One can find Palm Readers in every street and 90 percent out of them know nothing. Some sit by the roadside while other have opened their offices and they advertise in newspapers and have their visiting cards printed.
So popular is Palm Reading among the youth that Palm Reading stalls are a regular feature at functions in colleges. Mazher Abbas, a university student, told The Post that whenever any function is organised they book a stall for fortunetellers to attract more and more youngsters.
When The Post talked to a roadside Palm Reading in Raja Bazaar he said mostly uneducated people came to him to show their hands and they want to hear good things.
“Almost every time I tell everyone the same things and they believe in me. They become excited and take a sigh of relief and feel a bit relaxed.”

Monday 26 September 2011

Time Line!

The time line begins from today i.e. Monday 26th of September.

Documentary – Palmistry

Week 1 |26th sep – 2nd oct|:

  • Secondary research; reference videos, articles,
  • previous documentaries based on palmistry.
  • Decide the mise-en-scene for our documentary.
  • Decide the mood and atmosphere.  
  • Decide whether the documentary would be for information of entertainment purpose.

 Week 2 |3rd oct – 9th oct|:

  • Survey; to calculate the ratio of people who do and do not believe in palmistry. 
  • Public response; through questionnaires and interviews:
  • to know what type of people actually believe in palmistry and why? Where do they find the palmists?

Week 3 |10th oct – 16th oct|:
  • Photography of the places where palmists (fake or real) are found. Capture palmistry in happening.

Week 4 |17th oct – 23rd oct|:
  • Field Research: visit places where palmists are found.
  • Show the difference between fake and authentic palmists and places where they belong from.
  • Interview the palmists about their profession and the kind of people who visit them.
  • Shoot the palmists in act.  

Week 5 – 6 |24th oct – 6th nov|:
  • Begin with our editing. 
  • Compile our videos. Put them in sequence.  
  • Add background music.

Week 7 |7th nov - 13th nov|:
  • Begin with the Double Page Spread for the Magazine ad.

Posted by Shahbano

    Monday 19 September 2011

    Final Decision!

       We've taken our decision to make a documentary on "Palmistry in Pakistan". We want to make a documentary as we wanted to do something informative, and something that would grasp the viewer's attention. Secondly, we have the sources that we would need (e.g, palmists, doctors, psychologists etc). We wouldn't have to get in a mess of finding actors, writing a story etc. Documentary is much more logical and serious. Thirdly, i have a past experience with making a documentary so we thought that it was best to go with it.
       While deciding the topic, what we had in our minds is that we wanted to do something that has never been done before. We wanted to create something that is different and local at the same time. We wanted our topic to be related to Pakistan somehow. We wanted it to be local so that we could shoot and so that we could make sure that we can avail the resources that would be needed. Palmistry is something very common in Pakistan, especially among the people of a lower class. Growing poverty makes them very uncertain of their fortune, so they want to know what will happen in their future. But they cant afford to go to the palmists who charge very high so they end up showing their palms to local palmists who are not even educated enough. In our documentary we want to target these fraud people who are making fools out of the general public. They are playing with people's life just for some money. Secondly, we want to show those doctors and psychologists who do not believe in palmistry at all. They think that the concept of palmistry in just a myth. Opposite to these people, we'll show those high class palmists who can prove that palmistry is true. We plan to leave this contradict open ended and let people decide what is right and what is wrong.

    Posted by Ifrah Khan

    Video guide on lighting techniques.

    We found some videos on lighting techniques that we could use while shooting our documentary. These videos can guide us on how we could set the lighting that would be appropriate for our documentary. And also, we can decide on the atmosphere for our documentary through various lighting modes.



    Monday 12 September 2011

    Choosing a topic...

    I am teamed up with Shahbano Tariq. We plan to make a documentary for our advanced media portfolio. Today, we brainstormed and came up with random ideas, which are:
    1. documentary on fountain house.
    2. Brand Stigma
    3. Circus clowns
    4. Illusionists
    5. Fortune Telling
    6. Local Music Makers

    Out of all these topics, i found "Illusionists" and "Brand Stigma" the most interesting. However, we'll reasearch on these topics before we finalize anything.
    We shared our ideas with Sir Salman, he pointed out the postive and negative points in our ideas. On thursday, we'll be showing him out work timeline, along with our final documentary topic and how we are going to execute it.
    I learnt what the Reasearch part consists of; Facts, Traget Market, Consumer behaviour, Public Reaction, Genre, Branding. We'll be marked out of 20 for the Research part.

    Posted by Ifrah Khan

    Thursday 8 September 2011

    Our genre..

    My first and final option for a partner was Ifrah Khan and im teamed up with her. While deciding our genre we gave ourselves 3 choices- 1: Music Video, 2: Documentary, 3: TV Advertisement. Our 1st option failed because we wanted to do a patriotic music video but couldn't find a band or a singer who had or would sing such a song in such short time. So we moved on to our 3rd choice which was a TV Advertisement. Again, this choice was a no when it came to acting. Shooting an advertisement required us to have good actors around. Plus, it also required a script which I strongly think is a risky approach as the examiner might simply not like our script. Therefore; without wasting any time, we decided to do a Documentary for our Advanced Media Portfolio. There are two main reasons behind our decision; First, we need to collect authentic facts and information which cannot be wrong. Second, my partner Ifrah Khan has previously made a documentary for a competition and won a prize for it, so our team has some past experience over what we are going to be doing. However, we know that even without the script writing, it is not going to be an easy task to make a fine documentary. A lot of in depth extensive research is required over the topic that we choose. How well we execute the whole project is another catch. The process has to be taken care of step by step. Each stage needs to be carefully worked upon. Our research must not lack any factor or detail related to out topic. The shooting itself has to be neatly done. We have to take care of all the aspects of shooting which include location, lighting, mise-en-sene, sound and video quality and so on. So we've got a lot of hard work ahead of us.

    Posted by Shahbano.

    Monday 5 September 2011

    Introduction to Advanced Media Portfolio

    Advanced media portfolio consists of 3 main elements; Research and Planning, Construction and Evaluation. Research carries 20 marks and is very important as the whole project lies on its basis. We have to do an extensive research on the relative genre and the topic we choose. Research includes videos and articles from the internet. Case study, if required. However, for my genre i.e documentary, we dont require any case study. Planning is also very important before we move on to the construction part. Planning consists of a story board for our genre. Camera work, mise-en-sene, lighting, atmosphere and mood, the time line for our whole project and the budget are decided in the planning stage.
    After we are done with the research and planning, we move on to construction. Construction carries 60 marks. Before we start with producing our product, both the partners have to assign their individual duties to themselves so that they know exactly what they have to do and what they'd be marked on. Creating a blog for our project is a part of our exam. And it needs to be kept up-to-date.
    Evaluation which carries 20 marks, consists of 4 questions - 5 marks each. After we are done with the construction, we move onto the evaluation and complete the project.
    Another important thing is to record everything we do step by step. We can take pictures, record videos and take screenshots of our work in process.

    Posted by Shahbano