Thursday 19 January 2012

Story board!

Never drawn a story board before. But, Yayy! we have Google! our first "fail" attempt at the story board looked more like a 'bored-during-a-lecture-doodling'. Nevertheless, we searched Google for a few samples of story boards, and realised what we were actually suppose to do i.e we have to draw every single shot exactly how we want to shoot it, along with explaining its camera angle, camera movement, lighting, sound and the transition effect. We drew a rough draft of our shots and at last began to properly sketch our new and much better story board.

Fortunately, Ifrah and I, we both are good at art so drawing our scenes wasn't really an issue for us. In fact we enjoyed drawing. Our storyboard turned out to be pretty interesting, as per the feedback we got after a small presentation on our storyboard explaining to the rest of the class how we wish to begin and proceed with our documentary.  

Once the drawings were complete, the hard part began. We weren't so sure of the shots and angles and transitions that we could use. So we watched some documentaries on YouTube and learnt how they had used camerawork and mise-en-scene and the transitions between shots. We were inspired by some of the videos and tried to use some similar shots and angles. I quickly studied mise-en-scene and camera work from my A1 notes and decided what we would use for our video. The lighting would be natural as we are showing a stereotype of reality. However, we will add a background music; something local, to give a feel of mystery to the viewer in the beginning of the documentary. I have explained the storyboard shot by shot below:

Shot no. 01
Type of shot: Low angle shot

Camera Movement: Pan from left to right.

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
No digetic sound.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 02
Type of shot: Low angle shot

Camera Movement: Pan from left to right.

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
No digetic sound.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 03
Type of shot: Wide-long shot

Camera Movement: Pan from left to right.

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
Slight digetic sound from the street.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 04
Type of shot: Wide-long shot

Camera Movement: Slowly zoom out.

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
Slight digetic sound from the street. Slightly audible conversation in Punjabi b/w 2 men.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 05

Type of shot: Close-up

Camera Movement: Slowly zoom out.

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
Slight digetic sound from the street. Slightly audible conversation in Punjabi b/w 2 men.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 06
Type of shot: Close-up

Camera Movement: Pan from left to right.

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
Slight digetic sound from the street. Slightly audible conversation in Punjabi b/w 2 men.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 7 is a repetition of shot no. 4.

Shot no. 8 is a repetition of shot no. 6.

Shot no. 09
Type of shot: High angle shot

Camera Movement: Slowly zoom in.

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
Slight digetic sound from the street. Slightly audible conversation b/w 2 men.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 10
Type of shot: Close-up

Camera Movement: Slowly zoom in.

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
Slight digetic sound from the street. Slightly audible conversation in Punjabi b/w 2 men.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 11
Type of shot: Wide shot

Camera Movement: Slowly zoom out.

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
Slight digetic sound from the street. Slightly audible conversation in Punjabi b/w 2 men.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 12
Type of shot: Long shot

Camera Movement: Pan

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
Slight digetic sound from the street. Slightly audible conversation in Punjabi b/w 2 men.

Transition: Dissolve

Shot no. 13  
DESCRIPTIONType of shot: Low angle extreme long shot

Camera Movement: Tilt upwards

Lighting: Day light.

Sound: Non-digetic background music
Slight digetic sound from the street.

Transition: Dissolve

Posted by Shahbano.

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