Monday 20 February 2012

Hafsa Imran's Interview

Hafsa Imran talks about palmistry and its possible effects on people from a psychological perspective. She explains how palmistry can negatively effect people's minds if they believe that the lines in their palm control their life and start relying on palm reading. 

Thursday 9 February 2012

Professor Amjad Waheed's Interview.

The complete interview was 38 minutes long with a lot of details and elaboration. But since we have to make a short documentary with very brief and to the point information, we selected parts of the interview which we thought were suitable enough for our documentary and compiled them together in one video using Windows Movie Maker. 

The interview is in Urdu language, so we recorded a voice over for it in English. The voice over was recorded in the handy cam that we have used throughout the production. The audio was upload on SoundCloud. The link to the voice clip: AW Interview Voice Over

Posted by Shahbano.

Monday 6 February 2012

FINAL SHOOT - Interview
LOCATION: University of Management and Technology

               At 9a.m, Shahbano and I left for our final interview shoot. Through a reference, we got to know about  Professor Amjad Waheed, who is a professionally trained palmist, and has excelled in the Dept. of Islamic thought and Civilisation. We decided to interview him as he could relate palmistry to our religion, Islam and thus, would be perfect for our documentary.
               We wanted to shoot the interview in his office so that we could show that he his a professor in a university. We took 10 minutes to test the lighting, background, angle and sound. We had a friend with us who helped us in the set up. We made him sit on Dr. Amjad Waheed's seat. There was a window with blinds on the left side. We thought that it would be a good idea to use the natural light. So we switched off the lights to keep half the face dark and sunlight on the other half.

The angle didn't work out. When the subject looks at the camera, the face tilts a bit too much, making the shadow cover the face.

This angle was showing some problems too. We had zoomed in the camera a lot. We also tried to change the settings of the blind but it didnt turn out to work. abgle,shadow

We placed the camera in the front now. The blinds were set evenly. Half of the face was covered in shadow. The person would be a little on the left side of the frame. Natural light actually looked good and the shadow of the blinds gave a nice and soft effect.

             We chose the office to shoot our interview because then we could avoid the noise as well. The room was quiet and the sound was captured perfectly. We used our previous technique and placed our 2nd handy cam on the side of the table so that the voice could be recorded perfectly. We tested the lights, sound capturing, background and angles before hand so that when we call in Dr. Amjad Waheed, we could start our interview right away. We also brought our tripod with us so that we could avoid the problems that we faced on the previous day.
               After our final set up, we called Dr. Amjad for the final interview. We asked him about:
  • His introduction
  • His general view on palmistry
  • The conflict of believes
  • The authenticity 
  • The technical aspects
  • Other paranormal sciences
  • Palmistry with reference to religion 
  • Examples and facts to prove his opinion
  • Suggesting people how to judge palmistry
The interview was too long, about 38 minutes, so we cut it down to 5 minutes, taking only those things out that we thought were important.

Posted by Ifrah.